August 25, 2024 | 11am - 6pm

Donate / Payment

To Donate

To make a Payment

(you must have received an invoice or a conformation email)

Dear friend of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens:

   As summer approaches, we can feel the excitement building around One World Day 2024, the signature event of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation, to be held on Sunday, Aug. 25th  in Rockefeller Park.

     One World Day celebrates Cleveland’s great diversity, and the Cultural Gardens, beautiful expressions of countries and cultures in Northeast Ohio.

    Our event, now entering its 78th year, has grown beyond our wildest dreams. In 2023, attendance soared to over 30,000 people; 1500 individuals from 50 proud communities marched in our Parade of Flags; and performing arts groups from around the world inspired crowds throughout the day.  Guests shared the excitement of a naturalization ceremony, the education and fun of the Children’s Village, and great ethnic food.

    We could not have achieved such success without the generous support of donors like you, for whom we are grateful. We now need your help to keep our momentum going.

     One World Day’s rapid growth has resulted in the need for more equipment, restrooms, security and transportation. The Gardens have a large footprint in Rockefeller Park, and we want to make movement throughout the park easier, particularly for those with mobility issues.

    We ask for your support so that One World Day continues to delight and inspire. Donations at any level are welcomed and greatly appreciated, whether it’s $250, $350 or whatever you can give.  For a contribution of $500 or above we will offer you VIP parking, a private tour, and an advertisement in our visitor’s guide. If you are interested in other sponsorship tiers, we will be happy to send you a package that outlines additional benefits.

     Donations can be made by swiping the QR code at the bottom of this letter. You can also send a check to: CCGF (Attn: OWD), P.O. Box 606173, Cleveland, Ohio, 44106. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Lori Ashyk, executive director, at 216-220-3075, or by email at The Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation is a non-profit, 501c3, charitable organization. Your donations are tax deductible.   Thank you again. We look forward to seeing you at One World Day on Aug. 25th.