Thank you all for coming! 30,000 people came!
We would like to hear from you, let us know how we can improve next year.|
Sunday, August 25, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.| Rain or shine
Hosted by the Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation with Councilman Kevin Conwell and the City of Cleveland.
No commercial solicitation, political campaigning or signature solicitation of any kind within the premises of the event.

Parade of Flags
Be proud of your heritage and join the parade kick-off at noon (12pm). The parade begins in the Ethiopian Cultural Garden, travels north, and ends at the German and Lithuanian Cultural Gardens passing the Centennial Peace Plaza.
Other Attractions
Several other activities happening at One World Day

Naturalization Ceremony
The naturalization ceremony, where new citizens are sworn in by a U.S. District Court judge.

Childrens' Village
The Children’s Village has been a big hit in recent years, and it will be back in 2024 in its new large location!

Passport to Peace
A wonderful tool to encourage people to visit the individual gardens and to learn about the different cultures represented.
Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Media Sponsors
